- Canvas-text: use more multicolor-glyphs (Segoe UI Emoji)
- SVG export: Option for export of margins.
- Canvas-text edit: Undo step count increased.
- Added: Formula 3D plots (see Insert-New-Object dialog).
- Extended: Visual-formula exchange (MathML, RTF) between software.
- Added: Settings / Canvas Text / Pref. Math Editor. (Basic-editor can import UnicodeMath)
- Added: Bar/Lineplot property: Range symbols (errorbars)
- Added: Plot-types: polarfunctions: r(theta), (r(t),theta(t))
- Font-characters dialog: Extended (doubled) the range.
- Extended: Table-cell styling
- Html-export: Option to include mathjax.js link
- Added: Item-frame-shape: Cloud
- Added: Star-shape
- More item-frame shapes.
- Added R-buttons in Pre-docs dialog.
- Image / content-type "Standard Symbol" started (more symbols in future)
- Improved: finer curvehandle-edit at large zoom
- Pre-docs dialog: new shortcuts, find distant pre-docs.
- Added: Barplot edge-property
- SVG-export extended to include effects (drop-shadow, glow, edge).
- New: Numerical charts (barchart, linechart, pie, functionplotter)
- Further optimizations in Aimo-script terminology (more)
- New shortcut-keys in doc-library (see Help/Doc library)
- New shortcut: Links (eg. board-links) can show the N-Line dialog.
- Rotate-shortcut changed to Ctrl+Shift+Plus/Minus.
- Added: Alt+Plus for zoom (similar to Alt+Arrow for scroll).
- Tree auto-spacing very slightly reduced to achieve an optimum.
- SVG-export extended to include visual equations.
- Added support of PS-OpenType fonts.
- Enhanced copy/paste of text-with-links, if the other app is RTF-aware.
- Added: Paste-image mode (Aibase settings / canvas graphics / paste image)
- Optimized edit-text linebreaking: F7 has replaced Ctrl+F7.
F9 Linebreaking-dialog (contains F1 help) for faster change.
Linebreaking fully respects print-cm (zoom-independent).
- Ruler-objects can optionally show "field-lines". A grid requires two rulers.
- More commands in curvepoint context-menu:
1. Enable C2 (maximal joint-continuity to produce a cubic B-Spline)
2. Adjacent segment type (Line, Bezier, Parabolic, Auto elliptic-arc)
- Aibase Settings / Canvas Graphics / Edit-display quality / High (default)
Preview-curves have smoothness of final curves.
- Refinements in script-related help.
- Added: more Quantity types related to energy.
- Added: Storage-fields: Link-Settings / Keywords and Reference; Document-Settings / Author
- Added: Aibase Settings / Window-Elements / field to tweak dialog-color
- Further adjustments of dialogs to high-resolution displays
- Stricter quantity-rule: Nameless Compounds switch to base-units (minimal/unique)
- Design-optimization in help-documents: Colored background in top row
- Item text can be interpreted by Aibase as quantity (number, money or physical quantity)
- New object type: Aimo (Aibase Input-Model-Output) as script-container (for calculations and others)
- Aimos are special tables (with script-cell and data-cells) which can placed in the canvas.
The script (Python 3) can be run by menu command. Aimo data and other quantities,
elsewhere in the same document, can be used in the script.
- Alternatively, an invisible Aimo can be attached to an object (table, item);
this Aimo can read and change quantities in the owning object (table, item) and document.
- The script is also able to use (import) external Python (v3) modules.
Python has a large community, also in education and science, for example SymPy.
- Optional Link-Board (with board-links) per document at the bottom of the view.
- Board-links are similar to links in other list-views. They don't scroll with the canvas, ie. they are always visible. Board-links are thought to be more unrelated or link-duplicates (if the document is large). They can optimize the navigation to larger overviews, or to other chapters of the same level, or to Aibase help-docs (just tech-relational).
- The maximum height of the board is 3 lines (one board page; several links per line). Adding more links will result in more board-pages; a page-button can be clicked to show the next board-page, and so on.
- Any prefix can be added to the document-label (label = prefix (category) + tail (in sync with doc-title))
A prominent example is the "Script: " prefix in many help documents.
- Html-export: Maximum Web-page-width can be defined, and Web page will be centered in browser.
- Aibase Help will start in a separate help-window (for concurrent view). And all help-links (located in any window) will target the help-window.
- Extended: On an item, Ctrl+Up (or Down) shows the insert-position (to grow a list) even if the item has no parent-object yet. For example, Ctrl+Up on the single item in a table-cell shows the position to insert prior siblings (new item (Ins) or paste (V)). (Hint: Ctrl+Enter (does the same as Ctrl+Down, followed by Ins) works in old versions as well)
- Any N-Line (superline) can contain links to other N-Lines (sublines). In the N-Line dialog, when you display the linked subline, it will replace the superline display; later you can return back to the superline display. N-Line navigation automatically includes sublines.
- The symbol-dialog (and character-dialog) shows information about the text-character selected in the document.
- Improved: Windows which started with maximized size in older versions, now start with their last size.
- Improved: Show list of print-pages (indexed by row, column) in the printer-queue system-window.